Friday, September 12, 2008

Sexual Kill-illa-illa A

It’s wonderful Wednesday here on You Do the Math. Last weeks blog was kind of a flop because I didn’t get the minimum 10 comments I shoot for one each blog. So here again by popular demand is the SEX part of the blog!!! You want sex issues, I got them. I’ll keep it light today since I plan to keep sex the focus point for a couple of weeks. I have the relationship/love aspect covered with great topics to come. Some of these topics are from our readers! Remember I’m always up to explore a topic. Not to mention my 50th blog is only weeks away and I have a special treat for all of you. But for today….SEX!!

Now-a-days you might find some people who are horny 24/7. These individuals can stop whatever they are doing and have sex at any even given point. We call these people fiend. For us traditional folks, we have to be in the mood or turned on in a way to get our motors running. But has there ever been a time when you are about to have sex or even having sex and everything comes to a halt? I call this the sexual killa-ill-illa A, or SMK (sexual mood killer) if your nasty. (j/k) These actions will leave a person unsatisfied in the end. What are some of these SMK moments? Well, I’m glad you asked.

You can kill a mood by something you say. Talking is good just don’t O.D. on it. I like to think less is more and just let the stroke do the talking, but there are some people who like to hold actual conversations while having sex. Not now or do I every want to hear about how your day was while we are trying to handle business. Save that for the cool down after we are done. If I’m not sleep, lol. This probably is a mood killer as well. Some SMK are visual. Guys, for some reason women don’t really like the image of us completely naked with….yep, you got it….our socks on! I have heard the complaints from my female friends. Although this usually isn’t enough to kill the mood entirely, women still take note of it so it must bother them on some level. I personally don’t like cold feet unless you plan on putting my size 12 foot in your mouth!!! Just kidding, that’s disgusting. I hate feet. Which bring me to my mood killa.

Ladies, I understand you want to be sexy and even though I hate feet, there is nothing like your Jurassic Park claw to dig a hole in my skin to kill the mood! Come on now. Get your toes done. At least kept them decent where I don’t have to worry about going to get stitches afterwards. Let me touch on the biggest killer of all. Now if you are mature enough, you just overlook it and keep going. Are you ready? For lack of better words, the “V-zone” farts. Prepare yourself, for those who have never experienced this before. Just zone it out and keep it moving. Don’t let this sound end your session of pleasure. There problem plenty more that I will leave for you guys to touch on. For the sake of the length I’ll end it here for today.

Be productive, be persistent, and be prudent!


Bluster – 1. speak or say loudly or arrogantly2. behave in bullying way(transitive and intransitive verb )

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